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Schneider Electric USA Website

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2/3 of CO2

emission growth related to power sector1

Up to $115 billion

average annual economic cost of outages to customers in the US2


of the energy transferred to the users is wasted due to technical losses3

979 TWh

electricity demand to serve electrical vehicles in 20304

Explore our latest insights on Grids of the Future

Watch how our customers are looking to the future

E.ON provides more sustainable energy
E.ON, Sweden's largest energy distributor, achieves greater sustainability and reliability with SF6-free medium voltage technology and EcoStruxure for electricity companies.
Read E.ON's story

Minimize environmental footprint

Become SF6-free

Moving away from SF6 benefits the industry, society, and environment. Our SF6-free technology is an ingenious combination of air for insulation and vacuum technology for switching, with innovative shunt vacuum interruption.

Benefit from sustainable products and circular economy

Material circular economy assessments have been now introduced in several countries and the EU. Environmentally-conscious design covers material efficiency, but also energy savings, energy efficiency, and environmental footprint.

Optimize asset management

EcoStuxure Grid Asset Advisor for Grid helps monitor and maximize asset value along the entire lifecycle as well as optimize the operational business processes.

Build grid resilience

Ensure quality of supply

Distribution utilities want to reduce the duration of the outages seen by their customers. Enhance the network availability improving the key KPIs: SAIFI, SAIDI and MAIFI.

Mitigate cyber risks

With the broadening link between IT and OT platforms, cyberthreats are not limited to data security risks. The key is to look beyond traditional solutions that address only some of the challenges.

Ensure affordable energy

Optimize investment planning

Reduce grid reinforcement costs thanks to grid Planning in DER context. Include economics in the scenario and consider flexibility resources from the demand side, storage, to EV.

Reduce energy losses

As energy losses depend on the network characteristics and the mode of operation, electrical distribution systems should be properly designed, operated, and maintained to optimize their occurrence.

Increase smart investment and decarbonization

Explore our EcoStruxure solutions:

Power Generation and Smart Grid Solutions

EcoStruxure Grid

EcoStruxure Power

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