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Schneider Electric USA Website

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Power Generation

Smart Grid

A rooftop installation of 1,034 Solar Panels that can absorb enough energy from the sun to produce 295 kilowatts per hour.

Demand Side Management

EcoStruxure™ for Electricity Companies - Customer Voices

RELIABLE through the storm

SA Power Networks depends on Schneider EcoStruxure™ Grid for RELIABLE monitoring and management of their vast network, helping to keep the people of South Australia safe through extreme weather conditions.
Read the story

Enel - Empowering a bright, connected future

On their move towards a carbon-neutral FUTURE, Enel is upgrading the aging network and ensuring success with EcoStruxure™ Grid.
See how

Watch our utility partners talk bold ideas

Energy companies are at the forefront of changes in the new electric world. They anticipate the trends, forecast their implications and forge ideas for the future.

Enel’s Marco Gazzino

A more connected and electric world will mean it is vital to efficiently manage our resources. Innovation and the knowledge to bring it to the customer is the key to success.

ENWL's Steve Cox

Digitization and automation at each level is vital in connecting users to the grid and preparing for future demands. Automation will see the human resources requirements change forever.

EON’s Michael French

Guilt-free energy and changing perceptions will alter how customers interact with utilities, creating a fundamental shift in the energy industry.

Succeed in a modern, electric world

Electricity demand is set to soar. Improving energy efficiency, innovating, varying the business models, and staying on top of trends are key for electricity companies to succeed in this era.

Eco-environmentally friendly green energy of sustainable development of solar power plant with Shanghai skyline.

Contribute to a low-carbon future

Get modern strategies for leveraging smart grid and microgrid tools, as well as more environmentally-friendly switchgear, and a circular economy approach, to help you meet and exceed regulatory targets toward a low-carbon future.

Demand management in action

What does EcoStruxure™ ADMS have up its sleeve when demand for energy peaks?

Safeguarding grid reliability

How EcoStruxure™ ADMS reinforces the network ahead of the storm, and how it helps the grid heal afterward.
IoT Internet of Things EcoStruxure solutions 3D map of data centre proximity to workplace

Experience EcoStruxure™ Grid in action

Take an interactive digital journey. Discover benefits and solutions to common challenges, and the risks of making a wrong decision.
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How you can benefit from our solutions for electric utility companies?
Schneider Electric develops best-in-class solutions for electric utility companies for optimized electrical distribution systems, power conversion expertise, control and monitoring. As a leader in engineering and industrial software, Schneider Electric helps electric utility companies build a sustainable future by providing greener power generation, building better grids, and serving affordable new energy to consumers while improving their profitability. Discover EcoStruxure™ for Electricity Companies, our innovative solutions for electric utility companies that help overcome electricity problems and solutions and meet the needs of customers, today and in the future. Accommodate and harness the growing impact of decentralized generation on electric utility companies, with Schneider Electric’s electric utility management and monitoring. With our innovative solutions for electric utility companies, you can implement and operate your microgrid to produce and consume local energy, monetize the value of your DER, and avoid interruptions. Explore Schneider Electric's award-winning, market-leading smart grid technologies and solutions for power distribution companies.
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