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Schneider Electric USA Website

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Modernized UPS or cooling system

For optimal equipment performance
Aging and obsolete equipment could lead to unplanned downtime, impacting productivity and efficiency. Learn how you can check the efficiency of your UPS with our efficiency calculator.
Check if it’s time to replace your UPS

Change of power back-up needs

If the UPS cannot be made to meet the organization’s present or future mission-critical performance requirements (e.g., supporting the entire IT load at the required redundancy and runtime levels), then it is at “end of life”, at least, for that application.

Products reaching the end of their service life

Typically occurs approximately 10 years after a model has been phased out from production. Limited support could make routine maintenance and recovery from problems difficult and/or costly.

Spare parts access might be limited

Once spare parts' access becomes limited from both the OEM and third-party sources, it could be difficult to continue operating and maintaining a UPS or cooling system in a cost-effective manner.

Maintenance increasing costs

As equipment ages, the need for maintenance could increase. This could justify by itself the investment of a new system that would provide the benefits of more capacity, efficiency and reliability.
man holding a clipboard near heavy machinery

Evolve your data center to reduce costly downtime

Let’s work together on increasing your data center availability and reducing its energy consumption.

man with tablet in server room

Modernize or outsource

Explore options for upgrading your data center to improve uptime and efficiency.

Improve efficiency with a Lithium-ion battery

Extend the life of your cabinets with Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery cabinets – an all-in-one solution to help you reduce the total cost of ownership and footprint while improving efficiency. Calculate your savings with Li-ion batteries.
Calculate now opens in new window
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