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EcoStruxure IT and DCIM 3.0 in 60 seconds

EcoStruxure IT, our comprehensive DCIM solution, addresses the challenges of DCIM 3.0 by modernizing the software portfolio for monitoring and management of sprawling, hybrid IT infrastructure, which has become increasingly complex in the last few years.

But first, what is DCIM?

DCIM stands for data center infrastructure management. DCIM software is used to monitor, measure, and manage data centers, covering both IT equipment and supporting infrastructure such as power and cooling systems. It is intended to help managers achieve maximum energy efficiency and to help prevent equipment problems that lead to downtime.

Attributes of effective DCIM systems for distributed, hybrid IT environments

This paper will assist readers who are in the process of selecting a DCIM platform for hybrid IT environments with multiple sites.
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Modernize the management of IT infrastructure

Our comprehensive DCIM solution, EcoStruxure IT, enables secure monitoring, management, insights, planning, and modeling, from a single IT rack to hyper-scale IT, on premises, in the cloud, and at the edge.

The world has changed, and IT managers will require new DCIM tools to manage today's data centers. This is what we call the DCIM 3.0 trend: infrastructure everywhere, data centers without boundaries. Legacy DCIM software wasn’t created to meet these challenges, which is why we are investing in EcoStruxure IT.

Ready to give it a try?

A DCIM expert is ready to help you get started with EcoStruxure IT.
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See how we helped our customers succeed with


“Data center operations is the foundation of IT at Sky and it needs to enable our business to grow. Uptime is the primary goal and responsibility of the operations team, but maximizing capacity and efficiency while minimizing our carbon footprint is high on the agenda too.”

— Riccardo Degli Effetti, Head of Data Center Operations at Sky


“EcoDataCenter’s ambition to be climate-positive has turned into reality with the use of digitization and EcoStruxure solutions.”

— Mikael Svanfeldt, CTO, EcoDataCenter

The importance of modernized DCIM systems
Data centers without boundaries: The challenges of managing distributed IT
The three IT questions CIOs should be able to answer... but probably can’t
The DCIM 3.0 trend explained in 500 words
Simple steps CIOs can take to succeed in moving from sustainability ambition to action for hybrid IT
Predicting data center trends of the future with DCIM

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1. What is Schneider Electric DCIM software?

Schneider Electric DCIM software enables IT and data center professionals to monitor, manage, and optimize their critical IT infrastructure on-premises, in the cloud, and at the edge, ensuring system resiliency, security, and sustainability. Our EcoStruxure data center infrastructure management (DCIM) software helps you develop an efficient hybrid IT infrastructure by allowing 24x7 visibility into your data and distributed IT through remote monitoring and management of critical IT assets at any time on any device. Our software for data center management helps unify your entire system and create a seamless extension of your team with our certified technicians who can monitor, optimize, or repair your critical IT systems on-site or remotely.

2. How can DCIM software benefit our partners?

Our cloud-based DCIM software enables data center managers and operators to understand the needs of their environment and monitor and manage IT equipment and supporting infrastructure to prevent downtime and maximize energy efficiency and capacity while minimizing the carbon footprint. The monitoring and automation software reports real-time, average, peak power use and measures power usage effectiveness (PUE). The planning and implementation software focuses on data center management, deploying new equipment, and tracking assets. Discover EcoStruxure IT, our comprehensive data center management solution that helps you modernize the management of your complex, hybrid IT infrastructure.

3. How does EcoStruxure IT modernize the management of IT infrastructure?

EcoStruxure IT addresses the challenges of DCIM 3.0 with a comprehensive DCIM portfolio for monitoring and managing increasingly complex, hybrid IT infrastructure. Data Center Expert is an efficient on-premises data center management software that enables monitoring and fault resolution. EcoStruxure IT Expert helps advanced cloud-based remote monitoring to mitigate security and failure risks while managing a data center. NetBotz solutions protect IT assets against environmental or human physical threats. Our team of experts develops custom solutions and specialized tools to deliver best-in-class DCIM features that fit your needs.