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Our corporate sustainability strategy

Schneider Sustainability Impact 2021-2025

Concrete and ambitious targets for sustainable impact in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development goals.

Schneider Electric Net-Zero commitment

Our Net-Zero targets are validated by the Science-Based Targets initiative. We have 3 milestones leading to Net-Zero across our value chain by 2050.

Schneider Electric biodiversity pledge

We commit to no net biodiversity loss in our operations by 2030 to preserve natural ecosystems and resources.

Our 6 long-term commitments

See how we are leading the way to accelerate sustainable progress for our customers, employees, partners, and communities everywhere.


Progressing fast to net-zero in our operations, with partners and for customers.


Advancing circularity and preserving our planet’s riches and biodiversity.


Upholding stakeholders to social, governance, and ethical standards.


Supporting diversity and inclusion at work and those with no access to energy.


Upskilling and developing everyone across generations to contribute and thrive.


Empowering local teams and partners to lead and deliver grassroots impact.

Sustainability insights

Featured blogs and white papers

Action for a fair energy transition at COP27

Insights on building a secure and sustainable energy future with collective and systemic action

Three transformations drive our climate action

Why tackling the demand side of the energy equation is key to keeping global warming in check.

The 2030 imperative

From our latest research here are three solutions to adopt immediately and get back on track to meeting the 1.5 trajectory.

Four steps to decarbonization

A useful and practical outline of the process organizations can undertake to properly tackle decarbonization.

Pure air to fight climate change

Why alternatives to SF6 and other greenhouse gases are essential to carbon reduction.

No more biodiversity loss

A fact-based approach to measuring, setting targets and halting biodiversity loss.

Focus on short-term measures

BNEF asks our Chief Strategy and Sustainability Officer about how to accelerate climate actions.

All generations matter

Our fact-based approach to measuring, setting targets, and halting biodiversity loss.

Engaging our supply chain on The Zero Carbon Project

Learn how we help top 1,000 suppliers deliver on their climate-positive goal to reduce CO2 emissions by half by 2025. Through our dedicated decarbonization program that offers training, expert support, tools, and solutions, our partners get everything they need to accelerate their business.
Find out more
Climate Champion for the 12th consecutive year
11 years in a row in Corporate Knights Global 100
Platinum rating in 2022 for the 2nd consecutive year
5 years in a row in World’s Most Admired Companies list
Rank 11th and winner on Extra-financial transparency category
Top 25 World’s Most Attractive Employer 2021
Best global Sustainable Supply Chain Organization 2021
Top 100 Most Ethical Companies for the 11th year
Industry leader and included in DJSI World for 12th year in a row
#1 in its sector and included in the main Euronext Vigeo indices
Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index for the 5th year
In the FTSE4Good Index Series for the 6th year in a row
Microgrid Greater Good Awards Winner 2021
In the top 10 for the 7th year in a row
Diversity Leader in Financial Times Top 100 2022
Fast Company Most Innovative Companies 2022

2030 United Nations Agenda for Sustainable Development

The 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are focused on protecting the planet, alleviating poverty, and achieving worldwide peace and justice. The Schneider Sustainability Impact and Essentials are transformation tools, aligned to all SDGs. They promote rapid, disruptive changes to heighten our sustainability performance, and uphold industry leadership in corporate social responsibility.

More about what we do for sustainability

Sustainability reports

Access Schneider Sustainability Impact results and reports, all in one place.

Climate change advisory services

Need help to define your sustainability strategy, set up or accelerate your program?

Sustainability insights for you

Latest blogs, podcasts, papers, and more on sustainability, Electricity 4.0, and next-generation automation.
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How can we create a sustainable and inclusive world through a comprehensive corporate sustainability strategy?

Schneider Electric leads the way as a sustainable company through digital transformation and next-generation automation by following a corporate sustainability strategy with decarbonization goals at its core. As an Impact company, Schneider Electric is committed to engaging with sustainability on all fronts, including climate, resources, gender diversity, and inclusion. Schneider Electric is leading the net-zero transition and is ready to bridge business resilience and sustainability for its partners by helping them set up innovative corporate sustainability strategies that make the most of available energy, resources, and people. Our Schneider Electric Sustainability Impact Program (SSI) focuses on achieving Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) targets as well as carbon neutrality by 2025, boosting our efforts toward fighting climate change and social inequality, and fulfilling local commitments. We partner with our customers and suppliers to deploy services and solutions that deliver energy efficiency and sustainability and drive them towards reduced carbon emissions. Our innovation portfolio helps us move toward a climate-positive world through continuous investments and developments in reliable and green energy for immediate and lasting carbon neutral operations in line with our carbon pledge.

We are committed to preserving natural ecosystems and resources on our planet by upholding our customers’ trust through high social, governance, and ethical standards to prevent biodiversity loss. We believe in creating equal opportunities by ensuring that uniqueness is valued, and the work environment is inclusive. We believe in fostering learning, upskilling, and development for each generation paving for the next. We have a purpose of empowering local communities by promoting local initiatives and enabling individuals and partners to make sustainability a reality for all. Our experts, well-versed in global, corporate sustainability initiatives, including carbon reduction programs, energy efficiency, renewable energy, and supply chain initiatives, enable our clients to a pathway to net-zero and climate leadership.